16th Oct 2018

Londoners splash out on spa

Londoners splash out on spa

Spa goers in the capital spend up to £18 million on deals according to data from the website Wowcher.


Londoners’ spa spend has shot up since 2014, with £18m lavished on spa in the past 12 months, compared to just £6.7m four years ago.


In total, 1.17 million customers purchased spa days across the country in the past year and 857,000 spa-related vouchers were purchased (122,000 for spa day deals and 1,200 for overnight breaks). Across the UK, spa spend was much lower outside of the capital – £1.5 million in Birmingham, £1.4 million in Manchester and £1 million in Newcastle.


The voucher website’s data revealed that December and January were the best months for consumers to find spa deal bargains, and that purchases surge in November and December.







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